Project information

  • Tag: Python | Arduino | Bluno Beetle | Ultra96 | Machine Learning | MERN Stack

  • Worked with a team of 6 to construct a smart wearable system that instantly detects and identifies dance moves and dancers' relative positions using neural network
  • System comprised of a wrist wearable that dancers will wear, servers to collect data from the wearables and transmit to the Ultra96, a neural network (built and trained by us) to identify dance moves and positions and dashboard to display the dancers' data, predicted dance moves and positions
  • Designed the internal communications subcomponent including establishing multithreaded BLE communication channels between multiple bluno beetles (connected to sensors) and a laptop to transmit sensor data as TCP packets
  • Assisted in building and training a CNN model to detect dance moves and positions. Also used Boxplots and T-SNE were the data exploration techniques to decide the features to extract to train the model.
  • Also assisted in building the dashboard using the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express Framework, ReactJS library and NodeJS runtime environment