Mohamed Riyas

About Me

Hi Everyone. I'm Riyas and am a final year student at National University of Singapore (NUS), undergoing a Bachelor's Degree (Honours) in Computer Engineering. I have a strong passion for developing innovative software solutions to tackle real-world problems that can impact people's lives. Highly motivated, I have a strong foundation in software engineering principles with an innate ability to further learn and master new technologies. That being said, I am looking for a full-time Software Engineering role from May 2022 to further hone my skills and add value to the company.

Software Developer & Engineer

I'm looking for a challenging but yet exciting opportunity where I can further push my boundaries and develop my skills along the way.

  • Degree: Computer Enginneering
  • Phone: +65 87836781
  • Nationality: Singaporean
  • Current CAP: 4.62 (Highest Distinction)
  • School: National University of Singapore
  • Email:
  • Available From: May 2022

Besides software development, I also have interest in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics.



C/C++ 95%
Python 95%
Java 90%

Libraries & Frameworks

Bootstrap 90%
Node.js 90%
React 90%
jQuery 90%
Flask 85%

App Development

Android Studio 85%
Flutter 80%


PostgreSQL 90%
MongoDB 80%


Below is a summary of my recent work experience.

Internship Experiences

Full Stack Developer for Student Plagiarism Detection System

Aug 2020 - Dec 2021

Web Information Retrieval / Natural Language Processing Group (WING) NUS

  • Developed and deployed an online full-stack code plagiarism detection system with Rails and Phusion Passenger, currently used by Professors in NUS to spot plagiarized student submissions
  • Built new features and optimized backend components to achieve smoother user experience and better plagiarism detection
  • Oversaw a team of developers in the design and implementation of new features, enhancement of existing ones and rectification of reported consumer bugs
  • Managed time-sensitive updates, including patches and database upgrades

Computer Vision Intern

May 2021 – Aug 2021

Rapsodo Inc

  • Built a camera calibration web application with QT and OpenCV
  • Integrated a YOLO ball detection model to a web application with Flask
  • Assisted in the UI design and implementation of a cricket simulator app using QT and OpenGL

Intern Software Development for AutoCAD Mobile

May 2020 – Dec 2020

Autodesk Inc

  • Developed an end-to-end real-time analytics web application and dashboard with Node.js to collect, analyze and visualize user interactions with AutoCAD Mobile App and provide insights
  • Fixed several consumer bugs & made key contributions to the codebase for AutoCAD Mobile
  • Designed and wrote new test cases and automation scripts with Selenium WebDriver to perform sanity checks at various development phases and test cycles
  • Managed typescript conversion and electron upgrade of AutoCAD Mobile to version 10


Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)

Aug 2018 – Apr 2022

National University of Singapore (NUS)

  • Current Cumulative Average Point (CAP): 4.62 (Highest Distinction)
  • Dean’s List for AY2019-20 Semester 1 & Semester 2
  • Relevant modules completed include:
    • CG1111 & CG1112 (Engineering Principles and Practice)
    • CS1010 (Programming Methology)
    • CS1231 (Discrete Structures)
    • CS2102 (Database Systems)
    • CS2107 (Introduction to Information Security)
    • CS2113T (Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming)
    • CS2040C (Data Structures and Algorithms)
    • CG2271 (Real-Time Operating Systems)
    • CG3207 (Computer Architecture)
    • CS3211 (Parallel & Concurrent Programming)
    • CS3241 (Computer Graphics)
    • CS3243 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence)
    • CS3244 (Machine Learning)
    • CG4002 (Computer Engineering Capstone Project)
    • EE4204 (Computer Networks)
    • EE4210 (Network Protocols & Applications)
    • EE4211 (Data Science for the Internet of Things)
    • CS4236 (Cryptography Theory and Practice)

My Projects

mBot Maze Traversing Robot

Robotic Vehicle

Alex Search Robot

Robotic Vehicle

Real-Time Audio Visualizer

FPGA Design Project


Java GUI App

Finite impulse response (FIR) filter

ARMv7-M assembly language program

Context App

Android Studio App


Robotic Project

Duke To-do-list App

Java Command line App

Smart Wearable System for detecting dance moves

Capstone Project

Face Mask Detection System

Machine Learning Project

Booking Rooms Database App

Database application using PostgreSQL

Gas Consumption Prediction Model & Telegram Bot

Data Science Project

Formal Verification of TLS 1.3 (Key Exchange) Protocol using Process Analysis Toolkit (PAT)

CSP PAT Project



+65 87836781